


话题:老人与海 读后感 






  ●经典中的经典: But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed, but not defeated.








  人的意志力真是可怕的力量,绝境中,需要的不是怨天尤人,不是懊恼悔恨,更不是坐以待毙,而是不断的树立自信,不断的坚持。人不是为失败而生的。人可以被毁灭,但不能被打败。很多事,只需要再坚持一下,比别人多坚持一下,就会看见成功在向你招手。 不要轻易说放弃,感情也好,事业也好。



  海明威的文字平白简朴,坚实真挚。虽然总是一路平铺直叙,但在读的过程中还是让人悬起一颗心。偶尔一两句写到岸上的景物、云层的变化、海鸟的出现、海流的方向和强度等等,不禁让人暗暗担心起老人的处境和即将到来的危险。——到底会发生什么?好像在暗示会有大风暴,但会不会发生呢?他的处境如此孤独无援,设备如此简陋,到时要怎么应对呢?……还没看完,故事继续进展中。~~~ 扣人心弦。细节的描写很真实。


  【海明威一生勤奋创作。早上起身的第一件事,就是进行写作。他写作时,还有一个常人没有的习惯,就是站着写。他说:“我站着写,而且是一只脚站着。我采取这种姿势,使我处于一种紧张状态,迫使我尽可能简短地表达我的思想。” 】








  最后,评价一下这个版本:除了字大的优点,没有任何优点。书里面出现了多处排版的错误,排版的美编为了不断行,经常把一个单词拉得变成了两个单词,如此低级的错误在书中出现了起码有40次以上,比如handsome 变成hand some(次数为保守估计,排版水平非常业余)。










  《老人与海》读后感(五):A man can be destroyed but not defeated


  Eernest Hemingway is an adventurous person. Almost all of his novels was based on his own experience. It was said that he was living in Cuba as a fisherman, while he was writing The Old Man and the Sea. And the prototype of Santiago was considered to be the Cuba fisherman Fuentes. In 1920, Hemingway came across with Fuentes. He told Hemingway his experience of catching a big fish when he was 21 years old. This was the remote cause of the written of the novel which has been done 20 years later.

  The Old Man and the Sea is a quite simple story. The old fisherman Santiago had not taken fish for 84 days. People believed that he was now definitely and finally salao. And the boy who used to fish with him also gone at his parents' order. However, in the 85th day, Santiago started again. Though others mock him and thought he and his boat is unlucky. Even the old man himself began to wonder that he has no luck any more. The old man still had hope in his heart. He thought, "Only I have no luck any more. But who knows? Maybe today. Every day is a new day. It is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready". And that day was his lucky day. After he caught a Albacore, a big fish ate bait. Santiago had fight with the big fish for about 3 days and killed it eventually. However, in his way back home, the big fish was attacked by sharks. When he arrived the beach, the big fish was almost eaten up by sharks. The old man was exhausted and he thought he was defeated by sharks. But the fish stone that leaved in beach was astonished others. The old man won others respects by his own actions.

  In the novel, there are two things moved me a lot. The first is a story about marlins. The big fish was hooked, but it was so big that Santiago can not catch it. There was a standoff between the old man and the big fish. The old man feel a little helpless and wish he had the boy. At that time he had remembered the time he had hooked one of a pair of marlin. The male fish always let the female fish feed first and the hooked fish, the female, made a wild, panic-stricken, despairing fight that soon exhausted her, and all the time the male had stayed with her on the surface. When the old man had gaffed her and clubbed her, holding the rapier bill with its sandpaper edge and clubbing her across the top of her head until her color turned to a color almost like the backing of mirrors and then hoisted her aboard, the male fish had stayed by the side of boat. Then, while the old man was clearing the lines and preparing the harpoon, the male fish jumped high into the air beside the boat to see where the female was. This story is very touchable, especially the sentence, "the male fish jumped high into the air beside the boat to see where the female was". This story seems a little unrealistic, but it was very convictive. Only one had had such experience once or had heard such story from fisherman once that can write such story. And the loyalty the marlin showed also formidable. Human beings always think that human are more advanced than animals. However, as civilization developed, people lost some virtues on the contrary. The marlins are only low-level animal, but they stick to their good qualities. Compared with them, human should feel ashamed.

  To some extend, the old man was like the marlins. The old man was a fisher man. He was old, poor and seemed to be unlucky. His house was shabby. The materials he owned was extremely few. And he was born to be a fisherman, the opportunities he could have was very limited. Every time he was exhausted or hopeless he will tell himself that he was born to be fisherman. He took his life and his work very seriously. But nowadays, people become increasingly querulous. Though they have a decent job and a comfortable live. I learnt from the old man that a man's wealth is not depend on money or material, but depend on his spirit.

  There is a very famous sentence in The Old Man and the Sea, "A man can be destroyed but not defeated". As far as I am concerned, "destroy" is a physical hurt caused by extrinsic force. However, "defeat" means one's spirit collapsed which was determined by internal heart. As long as one keep his faith, he will never be defeated.