The Elements of Style读后感摘抄

The Elements of Style读后感摘抄


话题:The Elements of Style 读后感 

  《The Elements of Style》是一本由William Strunk Jr. / E.B. White著作,Penguin Books出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:110.00元,页数:176,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《The Elements of Style》精选点评:


  ●比起来,towards clarity and grace那本确实要求上要复杂不少。这本更适合刚接触英语写作的本科生。


  ●The little book。本身亦是style的典范。


  ●印象最深的应该就是: The approach to style is by way of plainness, simplicity, orderliness, sincerity. 然后可能还有具体,清楚吧。差不多就是Prof. Wong的风格和言传身教。(话说prof. Wong要去米国了。像在新加坡要少去一个会使心里感到踏实的长辈呢。) 没错,语言反应的其实还是思想,可能也有人生哲学在里面。 受教。

  ●天天教写作 但是自己心里也很没底 有些知道表达不好 但是也说不出来所以然来 还是要看看“圣经” 让自己有个基准 花了不少时间做笔记 但这还不够 要时刻注意呀!

  ●Short and Strong. 排版也很精美。覺得最有幫助的是第二部分和第一部分,清晰、生動的語言往往更加有力,冗長則往往意味著表述不清。


  ●The approach to style is by way of plainness, simplicity, orderliness, sincerity.

  《The Elements of Style》读后感(一):我还以为是什么厉害的东西呢

  如果中国的学生以这本书为课本来学习英语的话,那么估计是什么也学不了。书中的内容浅显,给人的感觉是给初中生准备的。我们的英语不地道,这是真的,但是,我们的语法知识却不一定输给native student。所以,在国外很流行的一本小书,在国内没有流行起来的原因,大概就是因为这个吧。

  《The Elements of Style》读后感(二):一本有趣又贱贱的书


  我们精读老师推荐的,她说这本书在欧美学写作的学生中基本是人手一本,称之为“the little book”。整本书叙述得非常清楚,图片和例句也穿插得当,最有意思的是老师在第一堂课给我们印发的“be clear”那章,它非常地不“clear”,甚至会让人产生“这TMD是个啥啊!”的感觉。。。

  =。= 太贱了!

  目前还在看第一章中 ~ 新书的味道好好闻啊 ~~

  《The Elements of Style》读后感(三):语言进化的不同速率以及Active verb

  1918年首次出版,到今天大部分准则依然适用。Amherst教授Ilan Stavans在《百年孤独》的讲座中提到不用的语言在相同的时间下进化的速率是不一样的,塞万提斯和莎士比亚同属15-16世纪作家,但在当代《堂吉诃德》西语版本比《暴风雨》英文版本更容易阅读。结论是英文的进化速率更快(个人猜测和英语国家吸收整个西方文明有关),然而过去一百年似乎相对停滞。语言永远在演变,是时代文化的映射。但基础语法和习惯用法似乎已经没有太大演绎的空间。

  本书强调了Active verb在一句话中所起到的画龙点睛般的作用,在平日写作中少用there be,被动语态(被动语态有特定的使用场景,然而似乎被一部分人当做高大上的存在而被多鼓励使用)。尽可能多积累并使用精确的动词主动成句,这也是我当前的练习目标。

“Many a tame sentence of description or exposition can be made lively and emphatic by substituting a verb in the active voice for some such perfunctory expression as there is, or could be heard.”

  “There were a great number of dead leaves lying on the ground.

  Dead leaves covered the ground.

  The sound of a guitar somewhere in the house could be heard.

  omewhere in the house a guitar hummed sleepily.

  The reason that he left college was that his health became impaired.

  Failing health compelled him to leave college.

  《The Elements of Style》读后感(四):【Book Review】一个字,删!——读《The Elements of Style》

  最近读完了The Elements of Style。这本介绍英文写作的小书,竟与鲁迅先生关于写作的建议异曲同工——一个字,删! 把那些所有不必要的,炫技的,夸大的,浮华的,不清晰的,陈词滥调的描写统统删去。取而代之以言简意赅的,具体的,有力量和画面感的词句。

  现实中,我们总容易让碎碎念、辞藻、七弯八绕的套句(不论中英)充斥稿纸,而忽视了写作的最根本目的:高效地读者沟通与传递信息。因此,我们应该千方百计地降低他们的cognitive load:

  1. 减少非实意词汇——只在语法意义上存在价值的句型或词语——的使用,包括但不限于:be动词(减少给人贴标签!),there be, the fact that, the case that....

  @否定句因为其not do形式比do更加多余:尝试用一个negative form代替。例如not pay attention to改为ignore。

  2.stick to the "v. + n." pattern unless adjectives and adverbs are necessary. 简单的"名词+动词"组合充满力量和画面感,与sth. is interesting 或 sb. is helpful 这类“贴标签””的陈述相比,更接近一种客观的陈述。最理想的情况下,形容词与副词所描绘的景象经由"名词+动词"阐述的画面"跃然而出"。e.g. "小明是一个乐于助人的人" 就不如“小明在义工队平均每周都帮人义务修理电脑40多台”。

  3.删去所有不必要的词。包含两个层面的意思:第一,利用语法规则精简相似的词汇,例如英文中各式的排比形式;第二,尽量让每一个词汇在句子中都带有信息的“增量”。 例如"两名女刺客暗杀了金正男"不如"两名女性刺杀了金正男",因为"刺客"包含了"杀"的信息。

  @什么时候形容词是必要的?作者举了一首William Allingham所作的小诗:

Up the airy mountain, Down the rushy glen, We daren't go a-hunting For the fear of little men ...


  4.将模糊、抽象、浮华的词汇替换成准确的、具体的、朴实的。高效传达的前提是信息是准确的、无歧义的。这需要我们不断地追问自己如何更加清楚地表达一个意思,而不是用一个似是而非的词汇来偷懒。根本原则:要让自己的词句产生画面(call up pictures)。一个词,只有当它在应该有的位置时,才能发挥最大的作用。(in the right setting it is useful; in the wrong setting, though, it is desructive, and the trouble with adpting coinages too quickly is that they will bedevil one by insinuating themselves where they do not belong.)


  《The Elements of Style》读后感(五):读书笔记(有例句版)

  Rule1. Form the possessive singular of nouns by adding’s : 单数名词加‘s构成名词所有格。

  a. 无论名词后的辅音是什么都要遵循这个规则,如:Charles’s friend, Burns’s poems.

  . 一些古老的符合传统习俗的名词除外,如:Jesus’.

  c. 代词所有格 hers, its, theirs, yours, ours 后没有撇号。但不定代词需要遵循上述规则,如:one’s right, somebody else’s umbrella.

2. In a series of three or more terms with a single conjunction, use a comma after each term except the last.

  三个或以上的词并列时,最后一个词要加 “, and” :red, white, and blue.

3. Enclose parenthetic expressions between commas.



  a. 日期常常作为插入语:April 6, 1986.

  . 名字作为插入语:Well, Susan, this is a fine mess you are in.

  c. etc., i.e., e.g.等缩写可以作为插入语。

  d. 非限制性定语从句(不能用来定义修饰的词,只是补充说明,往往由which, when, where引导)可以作为插入语,而且这样的句子往往可以拆成两个句子。如:The audience, which has at first been indifferent, became more and more interested. (which 从句表示观众一开始漠不关心,而不是表示漠不关心的观众,微妙的差别)->两个句子:The audience was at first indifferent. Later it became more and more interested.

  e. 限制性定语从句不能作为插入语,也不能使用逗号,这样的句子也不能拆成两个。如:People who live in glass house shouldn’t throw stones.(这里who引导的从句表示住在玻璃房子里的人,而不是说People的某一个状态)

  f. 分词和同位语修饰名词也与需要考虑其是限制性还是非限制性词,从而使用不同的逗号用法。如:

  eople sitting in the rear couldn‘t hear. (这里表示坐在后面的人,坐在后面不是一种状态,如果拆成两个句子:人们坐在后面。人们不能听到。与原句的意思不同。所以是限制性定语)

  Uncle Bert, being slightly deaf, moved forward. (耳朵要有点背表示叔叔的某种状态,而这个状态不影响后面向前走,可以拆成两个句子:叔叔耳朵有点背。叔叔向前走。所以是非限制性定语从句。)

4. Place a comma before a conjunction introducing an independent clause.

  在引导一个句子的连词(and, but, as, for, or, nor, while)前,应该添加逗号。如:

  The early records of the city have disappeared, and the story of its first years can no longer be reconstructed .

  The situation is perilous, but there is still one chance of escape.


  I have heard the arguments, but am still unconvinced.

  He has had several years’ experience and is thoroughly competent.

5. Do not join independent clauses with a comma.


  Mary’s works are entertaining; they are full of engaging ideas.


  Mary’s works are entertaining. They are full of engaging ideas.


  Mary’s works are entertaining, for they are full of engaging ideas.

  想一想,哪一种更好呢?答案是第一句,因为与第二句相比第一句表明了两个句子间更紧密的联系,分号暗示这两个句子有某种逻辑关系。与第三句又更加的简洁,英文讲究简明(clear and brief),所以第三句中的 for 就显得有些赘余。注意,当第二个句子之前有副词:accordingly, besides, then, therefore, thus等,分号也是必须的。

  I had never been in the place before; besides, it was dark as a tomb.

6. Do not break sentences in two.


  he was an interesting talker. A woman who had traveled all over the world and lived in half a dozen countries.


7. Use a colon after an independent clause to introduce a list of particulars, an appositive, an amplification, or an illustrative quotation.


  a. 冒号不能放在动词或介词后面!!下面是一些错误的句子:

  ?:Your dedicated whittler requires : a knife, a piece of wood, and a back porch. (require 是动词,后面显然不能跟冒号 )

  ?: Your dedicated whittler requires three props : a knife, a piece of wood, and a back porch.

  ?: Understanding is that penetrating quality of knowledge that grows from: theory, practice, conviction, and humiliation.

  ?: Understanding is that penetrating quality of knowledge that grows from theory, practice, conviction, and humiliation.

  . 冒号也可以连接两个句子,如果冒号后的句子是对前面句子的解释与补充。

  ut even so, there was a directness and dispatch about animal burial: there was no stopover in the undertaker’s four parlor, no wreath or spray.

  c. 冒号也可以放在引用的前面。

  The squalor of the streets reminded her of a line from Oscar Wilde: “We all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”(好美的句子)

  **!!! The colon has more effect than the comma, less power to separate than the semicolon, and more formality that the dash.**

8. Use a dash to set off an abrupt break or interruption and to announce a long appositive or summary.


  His first thought on getting out of bed––if he had any thought at all––was to get back in again.


  Her father’s suspicions proved well-founded––it was not Edward she cared for––it was San Francisco.

  Her father’s suspicions proved well-founded. It was not Edward she cared for, it was San Francisco.

  **!!! A dash is a mark of separation stronger than a comma, less formal than a colon, and more relaxed than parentheses.**

9. The number of the subject determines the number of the verb.



  a. 主语和动词直接的插入语不影响动词的单复数。

  The bittersweet flavor of youth––its trails, its joys, its adventure, its challenge––**is** not soon forgotten.

  . 一般而言,One of 后加名词复数,动词用单数。但如果后面加定语从句,从句的动词应该用复数!!!

  One of the ablest scientists who **have** attacked his problem.

  c. each, either, everyone, everybody, neither, nobody, someone 后加动词单数。

  Everybody thinks he has a unique sense of humor.

  d. none 后可以加单数或者复数,但是表示的意义不同。

  one of us are perfect. (我们都不是完美的。)

  one of us is perfect. (没有谁是完美的。)

  e. 一般来讲,由and连接的两个复合词通常是复数。但是一些特定的复合词和带有each 或者every的词需要用单数。

  The walrus and the carpenter were walking close at hand.

  read and butter was all served.

  Every window, picture, and mirror was smashed.

  f. 主语的单数形式不会被with, as well as, in addition to, expect, together with, no less than 打破。

  g. 对于有些特有名词,虽然是复数形式但动词要用单数。

  olitics is an art, not a science.

  The Republican Headquarters is on this side of the tracks.

10. Use the proper case of pronoun.


  a. 注意人称代词及who的使用。

  Will Jane or he be hired, do you think ?

  Give this work to whoever looks idle.

  Virgil is the candidate **who** we think will win. (We think he will win.)

  Virgil is the candidate **whom** we hope to elect. ( We hope to elect him.)

  . 如果主语配有陈述性动词,那么代词使用主格。

  andy writes better than I. (Than I write.)

  c. 代词作宾语。

  Whom should I ask?

  A group of us taxpayers protested. (us 是宾语。)

  d. 利用人称代词作主语。

  lake and I stayed home.

  Howard and you brought the lunch, I thought.

  e. 动名词和现在分词都可以用代词修饰。

  Mother objected to our driving on the icy roads.(动名词)

  They heard him singing in the shower. (现在分词)


  Do you mind me asking a question?

  Do you mind my asking a question?


11. A participial phrase at the beginning of a sentence must refer to the grammatical subject.



  Walking slowly down the road, he saw a woman accompanied by two children.

  He saw a woman, accompanied by two children, walking slowly down the road.

