《If I Stay》读后感1000字

《If I Stay》读后感1000字


话题:If I Stay 读后感 

  《If I Stay》是一本由Gayle Forman著作,Dutton Juvenile出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 16.99,页数:201,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《If I Stay》精选点评:

  ●#读书# 好像最近看的书都是这类型的。留下或离开都需要勇气。存在这个世界里,我们永远是一个人,也永远都不会是一个人。


  ●  如果我留下。这句话本身就是勇气的誓言。优秀的大提琴家Mia目击全家车祸的现场,失去父亲母亲、弟弟的Mia,挣脱了肉体的束缚,于是更轻易的这场生命较量中看清了生命的真谛。爱是维系一切的生命之源,亲人的爱,爷爷朴实的话语,“如果太辛苦,就走吧。”这样的话需要怎样的勇气来说出与爱来承担。亚当看来幼稚的爱,只是想要看望一眼病重中亲密爱人,一切的举动在这时看来却带着无比的震撼效果。

  ●I thought it's another The Fault in Our Stars. But it's a fake one. Good title,good name, bad story.


  ●"Read it and weep."


  ●电影一定会很感人555 作者说是听着马友友跟falling slowly写得!!

  ●很催泪 因为看过电影所以知道泪点大概在哪里 最难忘的是邀请好多人来家里BBQ 闭上眼睛就能想象到 也有很多笑点 结尾很妙

  ●最初想看这本书是被书名这简单的三个字所打动。但蛮失望的。基本可以归类问teenager love story。完全是医院和车祸之前女孩儿的生活,比较乏味,以及没有悬念的结局。(ps: 看了那些打5星的,感觉我是不是要求太高了。。)

  《If I Stay》读后感(一):stay or not




  《If I Stay》读后感(二):文笔差

  这都有7.9分,太高了,实在看不来青少年爱情小说。记得高中买了本The wedding一直没看,大学拿起来好几次都又放下了。在当今,小说要红,我感觉构思要新颖,情节要戏剧化。If I Stay也有戏剧化的几处情节,就是太造作狗血了。还有,不说是平淡的小说不好,有的小说虽平淡但很细腻,这本书平淡有余,细腻不足。啊,全文给了我一个感动点就是她和她爹的一次深刻对话。其实这本书想表达的应该是亲情友情爱情都很重要。尤其经历了死亡,人之间的情感就显得更为重要了。但是作者的描写就是没办法让我觉得Mia真的是在死亡线上挣扎的人。看此书的过程犹如喝白开水一般。

  《If I Stay》读后感(三):If I Stay

  书评里面说,it is an overly aching story, you will definitely cry.

  我知道这是一部teanager novel。 这样的话,对我应该不管用吧。




  结尾的时候,却是感觉痛了的。爷爷说,it is ok if you decide to leave。

  Kim说,we are your family。






  《If I Stay》读后感(四):There will always be somethings valuable for you to stay no matter what has happened

  There will always be somethings valuable for you to stay no matter what has happened

  I can’t stop to reading since I begin to read it.It’s really an impressive story.The leader character’s life was destroyed by an traffic accident in a snowy morning.She,an 17 years old girl,lose her mother,her father,her little brother forever and she is badly hurt to the edge of death.Her soul separates from her body when she is coma an she see the terrible scene resulted from the accident.Her parents lie on the road who will never stand up again and talk with her.She also see herself but she can’t find her brother which make her feel fearful..Then,she follow her blooding body and doctors to the hospital.’What should I do?Is Tidy still alive?Do my parents want me to stay with them?Should I come back to my body and choose to live?But how will life will be with out mother,father,Tidy?’The past life appear in her mind.Families,friends,boyfriends,music beloved and her dream.Stay or not stay,I believe it’s difficult for all of us to make a decision bravely facing such a disaster which make us heartbroken.Then,people important in her life and the nurses come to pray for her and talk to her.Her best friend Gin and her boy try anything they can to have a talking with her and be really friend which she expect in the past.Seeing so many people still need her,she decide to stay gradually and it’s her boyfriend’s words from the bottom of his heart---Stay.There is no words can describe your terrible experience,but there are also something in the world worthy for you to live. I can’t belive you will not get old,not to foster children,not to go to the Liliya academy,not to playing the cello for the audience and they will be impressive by your tweedle just like every time I listen to you.I can do anything if you stay even leave--that help her make up her mind to staying.

  Well,we can’t decide when we dead because only the god know what will happen the next second.Imagine that one day we have a similar experience and what will we do.Facing despair we will choose stay or not stay?It’s obviously that I must cry for the death of my parents and feel fearful for the following life without them,No,I won’t have the encouragement to think about it.Maybe I don’t want to come back to life and I prefer to live in the memory because even though I can escape from death my body won’t be what it was and I won’t be what I was.I suspect that I won’t have a normal life forever.But after reading this story,I change my view.It let me know that there still people who lovw you forever no matter what you are and no matter how you will be.They will give you hope.Stay or not stay isn’t depended on doctors and any others but only depended on ourselves.For people who love us,for our dream,for the death,choose to live,to live a better life.