A Template For Understanding BIG DEBT CRISES读后感精选

A Template For Understanding BIG DEBT CRISES读后感精选


话题:A Template For Understanding B 

  《A Template For Understanding BIG DEBT CRISES》是一本由Ray Dalio著作,November Media Publishing & Consulting Firm出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:GBP 20.92,页数:130,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《A Template For Understanding BIG DEBT CRISES》精选点评:


  ●相比年初瑞达里奥中国行而广泛传播的12年那篇An In-depth Look at Deleveragings文章,书里做了更系统的框架性阐释 深刻!

  ●固然作者是新一届中国人民的老朋友,但是这本书还是蛮靠谱的。 其实看这本书的时候主要考虑的是,似乎传统经济学理论不怎么重视债务问题(各种经济部门/不论宏观或微观),至少个人觉得债务问题在现实中的重要性和理论上的重视是不相匹配的。




  ●为什么这么长?:P An In-depth Look at Deleveragings,看这个就行了。

  ●1,危机要增发货币,因为如果勒紧裤腰带,一个人的消费就是另一个人的收入,整个社会都会收入降低 2,债务重组,好的兼并坏的 3,发生金融危机一定要处理迅速,马上开始增发货币,比如1930年代的教训


  ●Ray Dalio 于9月10日发布了新作《A Template For Understanding BIG DEBT CRISES》(我们译作《穿越债务危机》)

  《A Template For Understanding BIG DEBT CRISES》读后感(一):一本经济、金融的著作,能如此平衡好深刻和通俗,实在难得


  说他浅显,是因为Ray Dilio从来都很少使用专业的经济学、金融学术语,分析问题也不是建立在经典的经济教材的理论框架上。他一直都是从基本的常识出发,基于逻辑论证,演绎出一个用来观察宏观问题的理论框架。这里说的常识包括:借钱有助于提升当前的购买力和生产力,但是会有无法还本付息的风险→因此必须把债务投入到能创造价值 带来持续现金回报还本付息的领域→债务用于投机不断地借新还旧将给个人和社会整体带来巨大的风险。这种常识,恐怕是小学生都可以理解的。

  说他深刻,是因为他用这种几乎常识的大白话,最终推演出的这个理论框架,不仅能完美地分析这些年来各大经济体产生的问题,还帮助他及时地预判到了次贷危机和欧债危机。这是Ray Dalio最了不起的地方。今年读过不少高层智囊、券商首席的文章,不少人都在文章中引述了Ray Dalio的论点论据,可见即使是中国最顶尖的那批经济学人,也是认同Ray Dalio的。


  《A Template For Understanding BIG DEBT CRISES》读后感(二):逃不开的债务危机




  《A Template For Understanding BIG DEBT CRISES》读后感(三):Why debt is called liability



  1. 故事的起源是社会出现了大量赚钱的生意。这些公司年初在权益端投入X,使得资产端增加X。年底,资产和权益共同增加E(利润),一切很健康。

  2. 这时候大家发现,贷款可以放大收益,具体来说,除了年初在权益投入X,在负债端也投入X,这样年底的时候资产端的增值就是2E。同时负债端的增加是X*R(R是贷款利率)。只要E > X*R, 那么公司贷款就带来了更多回报(从E变成2E-XR),这就是所谓加杠杆。我们让E = X * M。这里M代表公司的盈利能力,而R代表借贷的成本。如果M > R,那么借贷是有利可图的,当然,只是理论上。

  3. 这些生意(可以是公司,也可以是房地产)越做越大,使得资产价格上升。这时候,趋势交易者出现了。他们发现资产一直在涨价,那么我不管资产是什么,低买高卖就可以赚钱,不仅如此,我还要借钱低买高卖。他们的负债端和公司是一样的,但是资产端在年底的增值并非是企业的盈利,而是对比年初,市场在年末对于资产给出的更高溢价。因此他们的利润率不是M,我们用K来表示。显然,如果K > R(借款利率),他们也是安全的。

  4. 随着这些趋势交易者的大量进入,市场反转的力量开始增强。资产自身的盈利能力增速低于大量买家带来的价格增速,这使得新进买家获得的P/E不断升高,价格已经不能被资产的内在价值支持,只能靠未来的买家支持。价格的长期上涨,使得市场过于乐观,杠杆率越来越大。放贷者发现投机者利润很高,于是提高利率,继续压缩投机利润空间。政府发现市场过热,开始缩进流动性。同时,价格上涨这件事本身就在强化空头力量并消耗多头的资源。往往还会伴随做空者入场,资产端的denomination value下行压力继续加大。一切都在向着借钱投资者不利的方法发展。直到K < R。

  5. K < R意味着有人必须用之前积累的资产偿还债务。这种效应加强到一定程度,从全社会看,债务的增长速度超过资产的增长速度,这时候相当一部分的GDP将用于支付债务。如果这部分支付停留在经济体内,对经济的冲击会相对小(仅仅是减缓靠债务带来的资产增速),如果是用于还钱给外国人,导致资本流出经济体,那么会直接引发经济衰退。

  6. 无论如何,上面的效应会持续加剧,知道很多机构开始出现流动性问题。也就是说没有现金还钱了,这时候他们会被迫出售资产。这将导致之前被吹起来的资产泡沫迅速破裂,让K加速减小甚至成为负数,5和6不断自身强化。

  7. 经济因债务无法偿付出现停滞。这很像一群朋友打牌,牌局结束后输的人要支付现金给赢家。如果他们不支付,就不会有新的牌局。经济生产和牌局一样。这时候政府必须出手拯救经济。如果资产端和负债端都是用政府的货币来denominate的,那么只要让货币贬值就能降低负债端的数值,而资产端则可能不降反生。这也是每次美国摆脱经济危机的办法。因此如果你相信政府,面对危机最好的做法是手持资产,危机过后会赚一笔,千万不要恐慌性抛售资产。

  8. 最终,通过政府印钱,负债端降低到让整个经济体恢复偿债能力,生产得以恢复,经济重回上升通道,开始下一个轮回(步骤1)。

  9. 如果全社会的负债里有大量是外国货币denominate的,这就麻烦了。因为政府没办法改变外国货币的价值。有些时候国内的债务又必须通过印钱来解决,这会让汇率降低,反而增大了外债的压力。这时候很容易引发恶性通胀,最终政府的货币会彻底破产。




  所幸,智慧而勇敢的美国领袖们(真的很勇敢,因为很多政府官员,包括Hank Paulson都是冒着蹲监狱的风险给一些银行提供流动性)及时明白了,如果类似雷曼的大银行再倒几个,用不了几天,不仅仅美国,全世界的金融系统可能消失了,这无异于世界末日!他们果断的投入天文数字,缺流动性的借给你钱,9%左右的利息。已经资不抵债的,政府直接注入资本(增加资产负债表的权益部分)收归国有,让你重新solvent。在填了AIG,Freddie Mac和Fannie Mae这几个天坑之后,等于强行阻断了雷曼破产后的多米诺骨牌效应,市场稳定了。这个过程中,美联储通过购买国债向社会投放了大量现金(QE),这导致资产价格飙升。这也是从2009年到当前(2020年初)美股大牛市的起点。









  1. 对于每一元debt service,准备好至少3元安全营业性收入。这可以是工资,房租或者债券利息。巴菲特的重资产公司(铁路,能源电力行业)的税前利润和debt service比例一直是8:1,且这部分债务不被Berkshire担保!In order to finish first, you must first finish.

  2. 经济危机来临的时候,不要恐慌性出售资产。如果1成立,那么此时的债务负担应该可以由其他收入填补。我们必须省吃俭用保护自己的资产。一两年内,政府必然印钱救市,这时候手持资产的人将得意洋洋。

  3. 如果出现高通胀同时政府面临崩溃危险(出现暴动等),立即想办法转移资产。实在不行只能尽量购卖土地或者黄金。超高通胀一旦出现,货币最终一定会变成废纸。

  《A Template For Understanding BIG DEBT CRISES》读后感(四):笔记

  - 您在位置 #106-107的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 上午11:50:36

  the question of whether rapid credit/debt growth is a good or bad thing hinges on what that credit produces and how the debt is repaid (i.e., how the debt is serviced).


  - 您在位置 #112-114的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 上午11:51:43

  have learned that too little credit/debt growth can create as bad or worse economic problems as having too much, with the costs coming in the form of foregone opportunities.


  - 您在位置 #114-116的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 上午11:52:03

  eaking, because credit creates both spending power and debt, whether or not more credit is desirable depends on whether the borrowed money is used productively enough to generate sufficient income to service the debt. If that occurs, the resources will have been well allocated and both


  - 您在位置 #114-116的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 上午11:52:11

  ecause credit creates both spending power and debt, whether or not more credit is desirable depends on whether the borrowed money is used productively enough to generate sufficient income to service the debt.


  - 您在位置 #133-136的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午1:49:19

  Those bad loans amount to about 20 percent of all the outstanding loans, so the losses are equal to about 8 percent of total debt. That total debt, in turn, is equal to about 200 percent of income (e.g., GDP), so the shortfall is roughly equal to 16 percent of GDP. If that cost is “socialized” (i.e., borne by the society as a whole via fiscal and/or monetary policies) and spread over 15 years, it would amount to about 1 percent per year, which is tolerable.


  - 您在位置 #133-136的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午1:49:23

  Those bad loans amount to about 20 percent of all the outstanding loans, so the losses are equal to about 8 percent of total debt. That total debt, in turn, is equal to about 200 percent of income (e.g., GDP), so the shortfall is roughly equal to 16 percent of GDP. If that cost is “socialized” (i.e., borne by the society as a whole via fiscal and/or monetary policies) and spread over 15 years, it would amount to about 1 percent per year, which is


  - 您在位置 #133-136的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午1:49:29

  Those bad loans amount to about 20 percent of all the outstanding loans, so the losses are equal to about 8 percent of total debt. That total debt, in turn, is equal to about 200 percent of income (e.g., GDP), so the shortfall is roughly equal to 16 percent of GDP. If that cost is “socialized” (i.e., borne by the society as a whole via fiscal and/or monetary policies) and spread over 15 years, it would amount to about 1 percent per year, which is tolerable.


  - 您在位置 #133-137的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午1:49:33

  Those bad loans amount to about 20 percent of all the outstanding loans, so the losses are equal to about 8 percent of total debt. That total debt, in turn, is equal to about 200 percent of income (e.g., GDP), so the shortfall is roughly equal to 16 percent of GDP. If that cost is “socialized” (i.e., borne by the society as a whole via fiscal and/or monetary policies) and spread over 15 years, it would amount to about 1 percent per year, which is tolerable. Of course, if not spread out, the costs would be intolerable.


  - 您在位置 #137-140的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午1:50:55

  depends a lot on the willingness and the ability of policy makers to spread out the losses arising from bad debts. I have seen this in all the cases I have lived through and studied. Whether policy makers can do this depends on two factors: 1) whether the debt is denominated in the currency that they control and 2) whether they have influence over how creditors and debtors behave with each other.


  - 您在位置 #133-140的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午1:51:00

  Those bad loans amount to about 20 percent of all the outstanding loans, so the losses are equal to about 8 percent of total debt. That total debt, in turn, is equal to about 200 percent of income (e.g., GDP), so the shortfall is roughly equal to 16 percent of GDP. If that cost is “socialized” (i.e., borne by the society as a whole via fiscal and/or monetary policies) and spread over 15 years, it would amount to about 1 percent per year, which is tolerable. Of course, if not spread out, the costs would be intolerable. For that reason, I am asserting that the downside risks of having a significant amount of debt depends a lot on the willingness and the ability of policy makers to spread out the losses arising from bad debts. I have seen this in all the cases I have lived through and studied. Whether policy makers can do this depends on two factors: 1) whether the debt is denominated in the currency that they control and 2) whether they have influence over how creditors and debtors behave with each other.


  - 您在位置 #137-140的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午1:51:09

  downside risks of having a significant amount of debt depends a lot on the willingness and the ability of policy makers to spread out the losses arising from bad debts. I have seen this in all the cases I have lived through and studied. Whether policy makers can do this depends on two factors: 1) whether the debt is denominated in the currency that they control and 2) whether they have influence over how creditors and debtors behave with each other.


  - 您在位置 #134-137的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午1:51:18

  loans, so the losses are equal to about 8 percent of total debt. That total debt, in turn, is equal to about 200 percent of income (e.g., GDP), so the shortfall is roughly equal to 16 percent of GDP. If that cost is “socialized” (i.e., borne by the society as a whole via fiscal and/or monetary policies) and spread over 15 years, it would amount to about 1 percent per year, which is tolerable. Of course, if not spread out, the costs would be intolerable.


  - 您在位置 #133-137的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午1:51:24

  een when roughly 40 percent of a loan’s value couldn’t be paid back. Those bad loans amount to about 20 percent of all the outstanding loans, so the losses are equal to about 8 percent of total debt. That total debt, in turn, is equal to about 200 percent of income (e.g., GDP), so the shortfall is roughly equal to 16 percent of GDP. If that cost is “socialized” (i.e., borne by the society as a whole via fiscal and/or monetary policies) and spread over 15 years, it would amount to about 1 percent per year, which is tolerable. Of course, if not spread out, the costs would be intolerable.


  - 您在位置 #133-137的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午1:51:30

  ack. Those bad loans amount to about 20 percent of all the outstanding loans, so the losses are equal to about 8 percent of total debt. That total debt, in turn, is equal to about 200 percent of income (e.g., GDP), so the shortfall is roughly equal to 16 percent of GDP. If that cost is “socialized” (i.e., borne by the society as a whole via fiscal and/or monetary policies) and spread over 15 years, it would amount to about 1 percent per year, which is tolerable. Of course, if not spread out, the costs would be intolerable.


  - 您在位置 #133-137的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午1:51:41

  ack. Those bad loans amount to about 20 percent of all the outstanding loans, so the losses are equal to about 8 percent of total debt. That total debt, in turn, is equal to about 200 percent of income (e.g., GDP), so the shortfall is roughly equal to 16 percent of GDP. If that cost is “socialized” (i.e., borne by the society as a whole via fiscal and/or monetary policies) and spread over 15 years, it would amount to about 1 percent per year, which is tolerable. Of course, if not spread out, the costs would be intolerable.


  - 您在位置 #133-137的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午1:51:46

  Those bad loans amount to about 20 percent of all the outstanding loans, so the losses are equal to about 8 percent of total debt. That total debt, in turn, is equal to about 200 percent of income (e.g., GDP), so the shortfall is roughly equal to 16 percent of GDP. If that cost is “socialized” (i.e., borne by the society as a whole via fiscal and/or monetary policies) and spread over 15 years, it would amount to about 1 percent per year, which is tolerable. Of course, if not spread out, the costs would be intolerable.


  - 您在位置 #169-173的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午1:56:38

  Lending naturally creates self-reinforcing upward movements that eventually reverse to create self-reinforcing downward movements that must reverse in turn. During the upswings, lending supports spending and investment, which in turn supports incomes and asset prices; increased incomes and asset prices support further borrowing and spending on goods and financial assets. The borrowing essentially lifts spending and incomes above the consistent productivity growth of the economy. Near the peak of the upward cycle, lending is based on the expectation that the above-trend growth will continue indefinitely. But, of course, that can’t happen; eventually income will fall below the cost of the loans.


  - 您在位置 #174-181的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午1:58:52

  Economies whose growth is significantly supported by debt-financed building of fixed investments, real estate, and infrastructure are particularly susceptible to large cyclical swings because the fast rates of building those long-lived assets are not sustainable. If you need better housing and you build it, the incremental need to build more housing naturally declines. As spending on housing slows down, so does housing’s impact on growth. Let’s say you have been spending $10 million a year to build an office building (hiring workers, buying steel and concrete, etc.). When the building is finished, the spending will fall to $0 per year, as will the demand for workers and construction materials. From that point forward, growth, income, and the ability to service debt will depend on other demand. This type of cycle—where a strong growth upswing driven by debt-financed real estate, fixed investment, and infrastructure spending is followed by a downswing driven by a debt-challenged slowdown in demand—is very typical of emerging economies because they have so much building to do.


  - 您在位置 #182-185的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午1:59:22

  economies are changes in their competitiveness due to relative changes in their incomes. Typically, they have very cheap labor and bad infrastructure, so they build infrastructure, have an export boom, and experience rising incomes. But the rate of growth due to exports naturally slows as their income levels rise and their wage competitiveness relative to other countries declines. There are many examples of these kinds


  - 您在位置 #174-185的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午1:59:27

  Economies whose growth is significantly supported by debt-financed building of fixed investments, real estate, and infrastructure are particularly susceptible to large cyclical swings because the fast rates of building those long-lived assets are not sustainable. If you need better housing and you build it, the incremental need to build more housing naturally declines. As spending on housing slows down, so does housing’s impact on growth. Let’s say you have been spending $10 million a year to build an office building (hiring workers, buying steel and concrete, etc.). When the building is finished, the spending will fall to $0 per year, as will the demand for workers and construction materials. From that point forward, growth, income, and the ability to service debt will depend on other demand. This type of cycle—where a strong growth upswing driven by debt-financed real estate, fixed investment, and infrastructure spending is followed by a downswing driven by a debt-challenged slowdown in demand—is very typical of emerging economies because they have so much building to do. Contributing further to the cyclicality of emerging countries’ economies are changes in their competitiveness due to relative changes in their incomes. Typically, they have very cheap labor and bad infrastructure, so they build infrastructure, have an export boom, and experience rising incomes. But the rate of growth due to exports naturally slows as their income levels rise and their wage competitiveness relative to other countries declines. There are many examples of these kinds


  - 您在位置 #174-185的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午1:59:36

  Economies whose growth is significantly supported by debt-financed building of fixed investments, real estate, and infrastructure are particularly susceptible to large cyclical swings because the fast rates of building those long-lived assets are not sustainable. If you need better housing and you build it, the incremental need to build more housing naturally declines. As spending on housing slows down, so does housing’s impact on growth. Let’s say you have been spending $10 million a year to build an office building (hiring workers, buying steel and concrete, etc.). When the building is finished, the spending will fall to $0 per year, as will the demand for workers and construction materials. From that point forward, growth, income, and the ability to service debt will depend on other demand. This type of cycle—where a strong growth upswing driven by debt-financed real estate, fixed investment, and infrastructure spending is followed by a downswing driven by a debt-challenged slowdown in demand—is very typical of emerging economies because they have so much building to do. Contributing further to the cyclicality of emerging countries’ economies are changes in their competitiveness due to relative changes in their incomes. Typically, they have very cheap labor and bad infrastructure, so they build infrastructure, have an export boom, and experience rising incomes. But the rate of growth due to exports naturally slows as their income levels rise and their wage competitiveness relative to other countries declines. There are many examples of these kinds of cycles (i.e., Japan’s experience over the last 70 years).


  - 您在位置 #187-188的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:00:48

  One classic warning sign that a bubble is coming is when an increasing amount of money is being borrowed to make debt service payments, which of course compounds the borrowers’ indebtedness.


  - 您在位置 #189-194的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:02:21

  lending standards are imposed, the rates of credit growth and spending slow and more debt service problems emerge. At this point, the top of the upward phase of the debt cycle is at hand. Realizing that credit growth is dangerously fast, the central banks tighten monetary policy to contain it, which often accelerates the decline (though it would have happened anyway, just a bit later). In either case, when the costs of debt service become greater than the amount that can be borrowed to finance spending, the upward cycle reverses. Not only does new lending slow down, but the pressure on debtors to make their payments is increased. The clearer it becomes that debtors are struggling, the less new lending there is. The slowdown in spending and investment that results slows down income growth even further, and asset prices decline.


  - 您在位置 #187-194的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:02:31

  One classic warning sign that a bubble is coming is when an increasing amount of money is being borrowed to make debt service payments, which of course compounds the borrowers’ indebtedness. When money and credit growth are curtailed and/or higher lending standards are imposed, the rates of credit growth and spending slow and more debt service problems emerge. At this point, the top of the upward phase of the debt cycle is at hand. Realizing that credit growth is dangerously fast, the central banks tighten monetary policy to contain it, which often accelerates the decline (though it would have happened anyway, just a bit later). In either case, when the costs of debt service become greater than the amount that can be borrowed to finance spending, the upward cycle reverses. Not only does new lending slow down, but the pressure on debtors to make their payments is increased. The clearer it becomes that debtors are struggling, the less new lending there is. The slowdown in spending and investment that results slows down income growth even further, and asset prices decline.


  - 您在位置 #195-196的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:03:32

  When borrowers cannot meet their debt service obligations to lending institutions, those lending institutions cannot meet their obligations to their own creditors. Policy makers must handle this by dealing with the lending institutions first.


  - 您在位置 #205-207的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:05:37

  The reduction of lending and the spending it was financing going forward. Even after a debt crisis is resolved, it is unlikely that the entities that borrowed too much can generate the same level of spending in the future that they had before the


  - 您在位置 #205-207的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:05:44

  The reduction of lending and the spending it was financing going forward. Even after a debt crisis is resolved, it is unlikely that the entities that borrowed too much can generate the same level of spending in the future that they had before the crisis. That has implications that must be considered.


  - 您在位置 #211-211的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:06:25

  ossible for policy makers to manage them well in almost every case that the debts are denominated in a country’s own currency.


  - 您在位置 #214-217的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:08:03

  From my examination of these cases, the biggest risks are not from the debts themselves but from a) the failure of policy makers to do the right things, due to a lack of knowledge and/or lack of authority, and b) the political consequences of making adjustments that hurt some people in the process of helping others. It is from a desire to help reduce these risks that I have written this study.


  - 您在位置 #212-213的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:08:09

  the flexibility that policy makers have allows them to spread out the harmful consequences in such ways that big debt problems aren’t really big problems.


  - 您在位置 #212-213的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:08:11

  the flexibility that policy makers have allows them to spread out the harmful consequences in such ways that big debt problems aren’t really big problems.


  - 您在位置 #247-248的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:16:06

  You will note how the interest payments remain flat or go down even when the debt goes up, so that the rise in debt service costs is not as great as the rise in debt.


  - 您在位置 #290-299的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:24:02

  Remember that money serves two purposes: it is a medium of exchange and a store hold of wealth. And because it has two purposes, it serves two masters: 1) those who want to obtain it for “life’s necessities,” usually by working for it, and 2) those who have stored wealth tied to its value. Throughout history these two groups have been called different things—e.g., the first group has been called workers, the proletariat, and “the have-nots,” and the second group has been called capitalists, investors, and “the haves.” For simplicity, we will call the first group proletariat-workers and the second group capitalists-investors. Proletariat-workers earn their money by selling their time and capitalists-investors earn their money by “lending” others the use of their money in exchange for either a) a promise to repay an amount of money that is greater than the loan (which is a debt instrument), or b) a piece of ownership in the business (which we call “equity” or “stocks”) or a piece of another asset (e.g., real estate). These two groups, along with the government (which sets the rules), are the major players in this drama. While generally both groups benefit from borrowing and lending, sometimes one gains and one suffers as a result of the transaction. This is especially true for debtors and creditors.


  - 您在位置 #223-227的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:29:55

  There are four types of levers that policy makers can pull to bring debt and debt service levels down relative to the income and cash flow levels that are required to service them: Austerity (i.e., spending less) Debt defaults/restructurings The central bank “printing money” and making purchases (or providing guarantees) Transfers of money and credit from those who have more than they need to those who have


  - 您在位置 #223-227的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:29:59

  There are four types of levers that policy makers can pull to bring debt and debt service levels down relative to the income and cash flow levels that are required to service them: Austerity (i.e., spending less) Debt defaults/restructurings The central bank “printing money” and making purchases (or providing guarantees) Transfers of money and credit from those who have more than they need to those who have less


  - 您在位置 #362-383的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:40:06

  The Start of a Bubble: The Bull Market Bubbles usually start as over-extrapolations of justified bull markets. The bull markets are initially justified because lower interest rates make investment assets, such as stocks and real estate, more attractive so they go up, and economic conditions improve, which leads to economic growth and corporate profits, improved balance sheets, and the ability to take on more debt—all of which make the companies worth more. As assets go up in value, net worths and spending/income levels rise. Investors, business people, financial intermediaries, and policy makers increase their confidence in ongoing prosperity, which supports the leveraging-up process. The boom also encourages new buyers who don’t want to miss out on the action to enter the market, fueling the emergence of a bubble. Quite often, uneconomic lending and the bubble occur because of implicit or explicit government guarantees that encourage lending institutions to lend recklessly. As new speculators and lenders enter the market and confidence increases, credit standards fall. Banks lever up and new types of lending institutions that are largely unregulated develop (these non-bank lending institutions are referred to collectively as a “shadow banking” system). These shadow banking institutions are typically less under the blanket of government protections. At these times, new types of lending vehicles are frequently invented and a lot of financial engineering takes place. The lenders and the speculators make a lot of fast, easy money, which reinforces the bubble by increasing the speculators’ equity, giving them the collateral they need to secure new loans. At the time, most people don’t think that is a problem; to the contrary, they think that what is happening is a reflection and confirmation of the boom. This phase of the cycle typically feeds on itself. Taking stocks as an example, rising stock prices lead to more spending and investment, which raises earnings, which raises stock prices, which lowers credit spreads and encourages increased lending (based on the increased value of collateral and higher earnings), which affects spending and investment rates, etc. During such times, most people think the assets are a fabulous treasure to own—and consider anyone who doesn’t own them to be missing out. As a result of this dynamic, all sorts of entities build up long positions. Large asset-liability mismatches increase in the forms of a) borrowing short-term to lend long-term, b) taking on liquid liabilities to invest in illiquid assets, and c) investing in riskier debt or other risky assets with money borrowed from others, and/or d) borrowing in one currency and lending in another, all to pick up a perceived spread. All the while, debts rise fast and debt service costs rise even faster. The charts below paint the picture.


  - 您在位置 #387-387的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:41:45

  humans by nature (like most species) tend to move in crowds and weigh recent experience more heavily than is appropriate.


  - 您在位置 #393-394的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:45:32

  ubbles are most likely to occur at the tops in the business cycle, balance of payments cycle, and/or long-term debt cycle.


  - 您在位置 #394-395的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:46:13

  a bubble nears its top, the economy is most vulnerable, but people are feeling the wealthiest and the most bullish.


  - 您在位置 #428-428的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:54:51

  the most defining characteristics of bubbles that can be measured are:


  - 您在位置 #429-435的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:55:00

  rices are high relative to traditional measures Prices are discounting future rapid price appreciation from these high levels There is broad bullish sentiment Purchases are being financed by high leverage Buyers have made exceptionally extended forward purchases (e.g., built inventory, contracted for supplies, etc.) to speculate or to protect themselves against future price gains New buyers (i.e., those who weren’t previously in the market) have entered the market Stimulative monetary policy threatens to inflate the bubble even more (and tight policy to cause its popping)


  - 您在位置 #436-437的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:56:23

  As you can see in the table below, which is based on our systematic measures, most or all of these indications were present in past bubbles. (N/A indicates inadequate data.)


  - 您在位置 #439-440的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:58:23

  The ratio of debt to income for the economy as a whole, or even debt service payments to income for the economy as a whole, which is better, are useful but ultimately inadequate measures.


  - 您在位置 #439-444的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:58:44

  The ratio of debt to income for the economy as a whole, or even debt service payments to income for the economy as a whole, which is better, are useful but ultimately inadequate measures. To anticipate a debt crisis well, one has to look at the specific debt-service abilities of the individual entities, which are lost in these averages. More specifically, a high level of debt or debt service to income is less problematic if the average is well distributed across the economy than if it is concentrated—especially if it is concentrated in key entities. 3) The Top When prices have been driven by a lot of leveraged buying and the market gets fully long, leveraged, and overpriced, it becomes ripe for a reversal.


  - 您在位置 #439-444的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:59:02

  The ratio of debt to income for the economy as a whole, or even debt service payments to income for the economy as a whole, which is better, are useful but ultimately inadequate measures. To anticipate a debt crisis well, one has to look at the specific debt-service abilities of the individual entities, which are lost in these averages. More specifically, a high level of debt or debt service to income is less problematic if the average is well distributed across the economy than if it is concentrated—especially if it is concentrated in key entities. 3) The Top When prices have been driven by a lot of leveraged buying and the market gets fully long, leveraged, and overpriced, it becomes ripe for a reversal.


  - 您在位置 #439-442的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:59:11

  The ratio of debt to income for the economy as a whole, or even debt service payments to income for the economy as a whole, which is better, are useful but ultimately inadequate measures. To anticipate a debt crisis well, one has to look at the specific debt-service abilities of the individual entities, which are lost in these averages. More specifically, a high level of debt or debt service to income is less problematic if the average is well distributed across the economy than


  - 您在位置 #439-442的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午2:59:29

  The ratio of debt to income for the economy as a whole, or even debt service payments to income for the economy as a whole, which is better, are useful but ultimately inadequate measures. To anticipate a debt crisis well, one has to look at the specific debt-service abilities of the individual entities, which are lost in these averages. More specifically, a high level of debt or debt service to income is less problematic if the average is well distributed across the economy than if it is concentrated—especially if it is concentrated


  - 您在位置 #458-459的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午3:03:22

  Typically, these types of credit/debt problems start to emerge about half a year ahead of the peak in the economy,


  - 您在位置 #459-460的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午3:03:40

  The riskiest debtors start to miss payments, lenders begin to worry, credit spreads start to tick up, and risky lending slows.


  - 您在位置 #473-474的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午3:06:09

  The more leverage that exists and the higher the prices, the less tightening it takes to prick the bubble and the bigger the bust that follows.


  - 您在位置 #486-490的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午3:08:57

  In normal recessions (when monetary policy is still effective), the imbalance between the amount of money and the need for it to service debt can be rectified by cutting interest rates enough to 1) produce a positive wealth effect, 2) stimulate economic activity, and 3) ease debt-service burdens. This can’t happen in depressions, because interest rates can’t be cut materially because they have either already reached close to 0 percent or, in cases where currency outflows and currency weaknesses are great, the floor on interest rates is higher because of credit or currency risk considerations.


  - 您在位置 #509-514的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月22日星期一 下午3:13:19

  A solvency problem means that, according to accounting and regulatory rules, the entity does not have enough equity capital to operate—i.e., it is “broke” and must be shut down. So, the accounting laws have a big impact on the severity of the debt problem at this moment. A cash-flow problem means that an entity doesn’t have enough cash to meet its needs, typically because its own lenders are taking money away from it—i.e., there is a “run.” A cash-flow problem can occur even when the entity has adequate capital because the equity is in illiquid assets. Lack of cash flow is an immediate and severe problem—and as a result, the trigger and main issue of most debt crises.


  - 您在位置 #551-552的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午12:24:53

  assets need to be sold and spending needs to be cut in order to raise cash. This leads asset values to fall, which reduces the value of collateral,


  - 您在位置 #551-552的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午12:25:01

  assets need to be sold and spending needs to be cut in order to raise cash.


  - 您在位置 #564-565的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午12:27:17

  Even as debts are written down, debt burdens rise as spending and incomes fall. Debt levels also rise relative to net worth, as shown in the chart below.


  - 您在位置 #582-591的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午12:30:31

  rinting, and redistribution wrong initially. Taxpayers are understandably angry at the debtors and at the financial institutions whose excesses caused the debt crisis, and don’t want the government (i.e., their taxes) to bail them out. And policy makers justifiably believe that debt excesses will happen again if lenders and borrowers don’t suffer the downsides of their actions (which is called the “moral hazard” problem). For all these reasons, policy makers are usually reluctant and slow to provide government supports, and the debt contraction and the agony it produces increase quickly. But the longer they wait to apply stimulative remedies to the mix, the uglier the deleveraging becomes.8 Eventually they choose to provide a lot of guarantees, print a lot of money, and monetize a lot of debt, which lifts the economy into a reflationary deleveraging. If they do these things and get the mix right quickly, the depression is much more likely to be relatively short-lived (like the short period of “depression” following the US crisis in 2008). If they don’t, the depression is usually prolonged (like the Great Depression in the 1930s, or Japan’s “lost decade” following its bubble in the late 1980s).


  - 您在位置 #582-591的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午12:30:36

  olicy makers typically get the mix between austerity, money printing, and redistribution wrong initially. Taxpayers are understandably angry at the debtors and at the financial institutions whose excesses caused the debt crisis, and don’t want the government (i.e., their taxes) to bail them out. And policy makers justifiably believe that debt excesses will happen again if lenders and borrowers don’t suffer the downsides of their actions (which is called the “moral hazard” problem). For all these reasons, policy makers are usually reluctant and slow to provide government supports, and the debt contraction and the agony it produces increase quickly. But the longer they wait to apply stimulative remedies to the mix, the uglier the deleveraging becomes.8 Eventually they choose to provide a lot of guarantees, print a lot of money, and monetize a lot of debt, which lifts the economy into a reflationary deleveraging. If they do these things and get the mix right quickly, the depression is much more likely to be relatively short-lived (like the short period of “depression” following the US crisis in 2008). If they don’t, the depression is usually prolonged (like the Great Depression in the 1930s, or Japan’s “lost decade” following its bubble in the late 1980s).


  - 您在位置 #658-661的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午10:06:31

  Typically, nonsystemically important institutions are forced to absorb their losses, and if they fail, are allowed to go bankrupt. The resolution of these institutions can take several different forms. In many cases (about 80 percent of the cases we studied), they are merged with healthy institutions. In some other cases, the assets are liquidated or transferred to an “asset-management company” (AMC) set up by the government to be sold piecemeal.


  - 您在位置 #711-716的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午10:11:06

  Wealth gaps increase during bubbles and they become particularly galling for the less privileged during hard times. As a general rule, if rich people share a budget with poor people and there is an economic downturn, there will be economic and political conflict. It is during such times that populism on both the left and the right tends to emerge. How well the people and the political system handle this is key to how well the economy and the society weather the period. As shown below, both inequality and populism are on the rise in the US today, much as they were in the 1930s. In both cases, the net worth of the top 0.1 percent of the population equaled approximately that of the bottom 90 percent combined.


  - 您在位置 #729-733的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午10:14:13

  A “beautiful deleveraging” happens when the four levers are moved in a balanced way so as to reduce intolerable shocks and produce positive growth with falling debt burdens and acceptable inflation. More specifically, deleveragings become beautiful when there is enough stimulation (i.e., through “printing of money”/debt monetization and currency devaluation) to offset the deflationary deleveraging forces (austerity/defaults) and bring the nominal growth rate above the nominal interest rate—but not so much stimulation that inflation is accelerated, the currency is devaluated, and a new debt bubble arises.


  - 您在位置 #734-738的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午10:16:04

  The best way of negating the deflationary depression is for the central bank to provide adequate liquidity and credit support, and, depending on different key entities’ needs for capital, for the central government to provide that too. Recall that spending comes in the form of either money or credit. When increased spending cannot be financed with increased debt because there is too much debt relative to the amount of money there is to service the debt, increased spending and debt-service relief must come from increased money. This means that the central bank has to increase the amount of money in the system.


  - 您在位置 #741-742的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午10:18:20

  ) get the nominal growth rate marginally above the nominal interest rate to tolerably spread out the deleveraging process.


  - 您在位置 #746-748的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午10:18:35

  o for the burdens from existing debt not to increase, nominal income growth must be higher than nominal interest rates, and the higher the better (provided it is not so high that it produces unacceptable inflation and/or unacceptable currency declines).


  - 您在位置 #748-749的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午10:19:44

  eople ask if printing money will raise inflation. It won’t if it offsets falling credit and the deflationary forces are balanced with this reflationary force.


  - 您在位置 #750-752的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午10:20:21

  Remember, spending is what matters. A dollar of spending paid for with money has the same effect on prices as a dollar of spending paid for with credit. By “printing money,” the central bank can make up for the disappearance of credit with an increase in the amount of money. This


  - 您在位置 #750-754的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午10:21:02

  Remember, spending is what matters. A dollar of spending paid for with money has the same effect on prices as a dollar of spending paid for with credit. By “printing money,” the central bank can make up for the disappearance of credit with an increase in the amount of money. This “printing” takes the form of central bank purchases of government securities and nongovernment assets such as corporate securities, equities, and other assets, which is reflected in money growing at an extremely fast rate at the same time as credit and real economic activity are contracting.


  - 您在位置 #771-774的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午10:23:41

  Typically, governments with gold-, commodity-, or foreign-currency-pegged money systems are forced to have tighter monetary policies to protect the value of their currency than governments with fiat monetary systems. But eventually the debt contractions become so painful that they relent, break the link, and print (i.e., either they abandon these systems or change the amount/pricing of the commodity that they will exchange for a unit of money).


  - 您在位置 #788-790的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午10:25:40

  On average, this aggressive stimulation comes two to three years into the depression, after stocks have fallen more than 50 percent, economic activity has fallen about 10 percent, and unemployment has risen to around 10 to 15 percent, though there is a lot of variation.


  - 您在位置 #794-797的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午10:27:20

  reiterate, the key to having a beautiful deleveraging lies in balancing the inflationary forces against the deflationary ones. That’s because too much money printing can also produce an ugly inflationary deleveraging (which we will go through later). The right amounts of stimulus are those that a) neutralize what would otherwise be a deflationary credit-market collapse and b) get the nominal growth rate above the nominal interest rate by enough to relieve the debt burdens,


  - 您在位置 #794-797的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午10:27:25

  reiterate, the key to having a beautiful deleveraging lies in balancing the inflationary forces against the deflationary ones. That’s because too much money printing can also produce an ugly inflationary deleveraging (which we will go through later). The right amounts of stimulus are those that a) neutralize what would otherwise be a deflationary credit-market collapse and b) get the nominal growth rate above the nominal interest rate by enough to relieve the debt burdens, but not by so much that it leads to a run on debt assets.


  - 您在位置 #803-804的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午10:41:15

  Central banks use macroprudential policies to target restraints in debt growth where bubbles are emerging and allow debt growth where it is not excessive.


  - 您在位置 #806-808的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午10:41:55

  ig bubbles are fueled by speculators and lenders over-extrapolating past successes and making further debt-financed investments, and by central banks focusing just on inflation and/or growth and not considering debt bubbles in investment assets, thus keeping credit cheap for too long.


  - 您在位置 #815-817的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午10:45:44

  Central banks provide ample liquidity, ease short rates quickly until they hit 0%, and then pursue aggressive monetizations, using aggressive targeted macroprudential policies.


  - 您在位置 #827-827的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午10:47:06

  high-quality credit growth.


  - 您在位置 #850-851的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午10:59:03

  “Quantitative easing” (QE) as it is now called (i.e., “printing money” and buying financial assets, typically debt assets), is Monetary Policy 2.


  - 您在位置 #856-857的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午10:59:54

  QE certainly benefits investors/savers (i.e., those who own financial assets) much more than people who don’t, thus widening the wealth gap.


  - 您在位置 #853-854的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午11:00:00

  What they do with that money and credit makes all the difference in the world.


  - 您在位置 #858-859的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午11:01:44

  it is most effective when risk and liquidity premiums are large, because it causes those premiums to fall.


  - 您在位置 #881-881的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午11:04:02

  This typically happens in the later years of the long-term debt cycle (e.g., 1937-38 and now in the US), which


  - 您在位置 #884-884的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午11:06:23

  Monetary Policy 3 puts money more directly into the hands of spenders instead of investors/savers and incentivizes them to spend


  - 您在位置 #884-886的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 上午11:06:29

  ecause wealthy people have fewer incentives to spend the incremental money and credit they get than less wealthy people, when the wealth gap is large and the economy is weak, directing spending opportunities at less wealthy people is more productive.


  - 您在位置 #924-928的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 下午1:46:10

  Eventually the system gets back to normal, though the recovery in economic activity and capital formation tends to be slow, even during a beautiful deleveraging. It typically takes roughly 5 to 10 years (hence the term “lost decade”) for real economic activity to reach its former peak level. And it typically takes longer, around a decade, for stock prices to reach former highs, because it takes a very long time for investors to become comfortable taking the risk of holding equities again (i.e., equity risk premiums are high).


  - 您在位置 #969-972的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 下午1:50:05

  (all else being equal) If a currency falls in relation to another currency at a rate that is greater than the currency’s interest rate, the holder of the debt in the weakening currency will lose money. If investors expect that weakness to continue without being compensated with higher interest rates, a dangerous currency dynamic will develop.


  - 您在位置 #969-972的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 下午1:50:10

  (all else being equal) If a currency falls in relation to another currency at a rate that is greater than the currency’s interest rate, the holder of the debt in the weakening currency will lose money. If investors expect that weakness to continue without being compensated with higher interest rates, a dangerous currency dynamic will develop.


  - 您在位置 #970-972的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 下午1:50:13

  If a currency falls in relation to another currency at a rate that is greater than the currency’s interest rate, the holder of the debt in the weakening currency will lose money. If investors expect that weakness to continue without being compensated with higher interest rates, a dangerous currency dynamic will develop.


  - 您在位置 #992-993的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 下午1:53:43

  c) the currency depreciates much more than inflation picks up, so that the country’s assets and the items it sells to the world become so competitively priced that its balance of payments improves.


  - 您在位置 #1041-1041的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 下午2:28:44

  “foreign-exchange reserves.”


  - 您在位置 #1045-1046的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 下午2:30:13

  ince central banks need to create more money to buy the foreign currency, doing that increases the amount of domestic currency funds to either buy assets (causing asset prices to rise) or lend out.


  - 您在位置 #1086-1087的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 下午2:35:43

  and the country typically becomes highly reliant on foreign financing.


  - 您在位置 #1083-1085的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 下午2:36:03

  As the bubble emerges, there are fewer productive investments, and at the same time there is more capital going after them. The fundamental attractiveness of the country that sparked the boom fades, in part because


  - 您在位置 #1083-1087的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 下午2:36:17

  As the bubble emerges, there are fewer productive investments, and at the same time there is more capital going after them. The fundamental attractiveness of the country that sparked the boom fades, in part because the rising currency is eroding the country’s competitiveness. During this stage, growth is increasingly financed by debt rather than productivity gains, and the country typically becomes highly reliant on foreign financing. This shows up in foreign currency denominated debt rising.


  - 您在位置 #1119-1122的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 下午2:41:40

  The circumstances that could set off such a crisis are akin to what might set off financial difficulties for a family or individual—a loss of income or credit tightening, a big increase in costs (such as rising gasoline or heating oil prices), or having borrowed so much that repayment becomes difficult. Any one of these shocks would create a gap between the amount of money coming in and the amount of money being spent, which has to be closed somehow.


  - 您在位置 #1179-1181的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 下午2:44:49

  Usually, this currency defense phase of the cycle is relatively brief, in the vicinity of six months, with reserves drawn down about 10 to 20 percent before the defense is abandoned.


  - 您在位置 #1370-1370的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 下午3:49:39



  - 您在位置 #1448-1451的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月23日星期二 下午3:58:53

  When 1) within countries there are economic conflicts between the rich/capitalist/political right and the poor/proletariat/political left that lead to conflicts that result in populist, autocratic, nationalistic, and militaristic leaders coming to power, while at the same time, 2) between countries there are conflicts arising among comparably strong economic and military powers, the relationships between economics and politics become especially intertwined—and the probabilities of disruptive conflicts (e.g., wars) become much higher than normal.


  - 您在位置 #1462-1468的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午9:27:41

  Cooperative-competitive relationships in which the parties take into consideration what’s really important to the other and try to give it to them in exchange for what they most want. In this type of win-win relationship, there are often tough negotiations that are done with respect and consideration, like two friendly merchants in a bazaar or two friendly teams on the field. Mutually threatening relationships in which the parties think about how they can harm the other and exchange painful acts in the hope of forcing the other into a position of fear so that they will give in. In this type of lose-lose relationship, they interact through “war” rather than through “negotiation.”


  - 您在位置 #1477-1477的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午9:29:12

  terms of economic policy, during a war period, the most important priority is to maintain one’s access to financial and non-financial resources


  - 您在位置 #1479-1480的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午9:29:39

  The access to borrowing very much depends on each county’s creditworthiness and the development of its capital markets,


  - 您在位置 #1480-1480的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午9:29:56

  especially the soundness of its own local currency debt market.


  - 您在位置 #1483-1484的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午9:30:49

  The worst thing a country, hence a country’s leader, could ever do is get into a lot of debt and lose a war


  - 您在位置 #1507-1508的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午9:34:33

  managing debt crises is all about spreading out the pain of the bad debts, and this can almost always be done well if one’s debts are in one’s own currency. The biggest risks are typically not from the debts themselves,


  - 您在位置 #1507-1508的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午9:34:38

  managing debt crises is all about spreading out the pain of the bad debts, and this can almost always be done well if one’s debts are in one’s own currency.


  - 您在位置 #6137-6138的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午9:37:52

  ew ways of providing leverage outside the protection and regulation of authorities.


  - 您在位置 #6139-6142的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午9:38:35

  roviding you with this narrative, I’m also hoping to convey an up-close feeling of what it was like to go through the experience day-by-day. I encourage you, at each point, to think about what you would do a) as an investor and b) as a policy maker. I will give you that experience by describing the timeline week-by-week (and sometimes day-by-day), while showing a “newsfeed” at the end of the chapter (primarily New York Times articles).


  - 您在位置 #6152-6153的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午9:40:51

  This made the 2001 recession a short-lived and shallow one, but it set the stage for the subsequent bubble period, which was building most rapidly between 2004 and 2006.


  - 您在位置 #6156-6159的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午9:44:17

  At the same time, the economy was classically entering its “late cycle” phase as capacity constraints began to appear (e.g., the GDP gap was 2 percent and growth in demand was above growth in capacity). Financial and housing markets were very strong, financed by debt. The Federal Reserve, focusing on growth, inflation, and the GDP gap more than debt growth, increased interest rates gradually, from the lows of 1 percent in 2004 to just over 5 percent in 2006.


  - 您在位置 #6162-6164的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午9:45:32

  Debt/GDP grew at an average rate of 12.6 percent during the period. Typically that’s when bubbles emerge because central banks focus on inflation and growth (which isn’t a problem) and they don’t adequately worry about debt-financed purchases of investment assets.


  - 您在位置 #6168-6169的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午9:46:58

  From 2004 to 2006, home prices increased around 30 percent and had increased more than 80 percent since 2000,


  - 您在位置 #6175-6176的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午9:48:05

  all income quintiles increased their debt substantially over the period, the biggest percentage increase in debt between 2001 and


  - 您在位置 #6175-6176的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午9:48:11

  all income quintiles increased their debt substantially over the period,


  - 您在位置 #6179-6180的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午10:23:44

  That pushed overall US debt to over 300 percent of GDP.


  - 您在位置 #6193-6194的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午10:28:26

  “home flippers” would buy a home, do some renovations, and aim to take advantage of rising prices to make a short-term profit).


  - 您在位置 #6197-6198的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午10:29:41

  just shy of 8 percent of households were buying a home each year


  - 您在位置 #6200的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午10:29:48


  - 您在位置 #6207-6208的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午10:32:10

  there was a mania to lend to people to buy houses. The chart on the left on the next page shows aggregate mortgage rates. As a result of the Fed’s easy monetary policies, they fell


  - 您在位置 #6207-6207的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午10:32:19

  there was a mania to lend to people to buy houses. The


  - 您在位置 #6213-6213的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午10:33:41

  “Subprime” mortgages (e.g., riskier ones) became 20 percent of the market.


  - 您在位置 #6216-6217的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午10:34:55

  For all of the debt build-up and frenzied housing activity, the economy didn’t overheat and inflation remained moderate, so the Fed,


  - 您在位置 #6217-6221的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午10:35:19

  It is typically the case that the worst debt bubbles (e.g., the US in 1929, Japan in 1989) are not accompanied by high and rising goods and services inflation, but by asset price inflation financed by debt growth. Typically, central banks make the mistake of accommodating the debt growth because they are focused on goods and services inflation (as measured by the CPI) and/or growth. They are not focused on debt growth, which is what they are creating, and on whether the debts will produce the incomes to service them,


  - 您在位置 #6247-6247的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午10:40:52

  The broader economy also showed signs of a bubble.


  - 您在位置 #6251的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午10:41:03


  - 您在位置 #6248-6248的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午10:41:21

  ucked in capital from abroad.


  - 您在位置 #6248-6249的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午10:41:36

  manufacturing employment fell and the US was rapidly losing global export market share to emerging countries, especially China. However, the increase in housing-related activity camouflaged


  - 您在位置 #6252的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午10:41:50


  - 您在位置 #6248-6252的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午10:41:59

  manufacturing employment fell and the US was rapidly losing global export market share to emerging countries, especially China. However, the increase in housing-related activity camouflaged this; for instance, construction employment in support of building houses increasingly financed by debt rose by around 50 percent compared to 1995. In addition,


  - 您在位置 #6248-6253的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午10:42:08

  manufacturing employment fell and the US was rapidly losing global export market share to emerging countries, especially China. However, the increase in housing-related activity camouflaged this; for instance, construction employment in support of building houses increasingly financed by debt rose by around 50 percent compared to 1995. In addition, a lot of money to fund consumption was also borrowed via mortgages and other types of debt instruments.


  - 您在位置 #6261-6261的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午10:44:15

  Many of these flows went to lending that would not produce the income to service the debts.


  - 您在位置 #6261-6264的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午10:44:36

  Many of these flows went to lending that would not produce the income to service the debts. They supported a dynamic that was unsustainable: The savings rate can’t fall indefinitely, and the wave of lending can’t increase forever. As the debts came due, there would be cash flow problems. When we ran our pro forma financial numbers, we could see that when all these flows tapered off, there would be cash flow problems.


  - 您在位置 #6269-6270的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午10:45:23

  Without having been through a crisis to stress-test them, it can be hard to tell if they really are as safe as they’re made out to be.


  - 您在位置 #6294-6296的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午10:49:03

  it was not just low interest rates that fueled the bubble, but rather a combination of easy money, lax regulation, and risky financial innovations. As the Fed was looking at inflation and not debt growth when setting interest rates, and as policy makers allowed the lax regulation of shadow lending channels to continue, the bubble was allowed to grow.


  - 您在位置 #6321-6322的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午10:53:32

  “[t]here is a broad recognition that, with the refinancing and real estate booms over, the business model of many of the


  - 您在位置 #6321-6322的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午10:53:35

  “[t]here is a broad recognition that, with the refinancing and real estate booms over, the business model of many of the smaller subprime originators is no longer viable.”7


  - 您在位置 #6328-6328的标注 | 添加于 2018年10月24日星期三 上午11:11:38


bigger banks were starting to re
